Yakima Valley Quilter's Guild - get ready, because here I come! Wednesday, August 17 I'll be at your meeting to talk about using metallic threads in quilting!
Let’s sparkle! There’s a new generation of metallic threads out there that are beautiful, easy to use, and can make your project sparkly! We’ll discuss the main ways to make using metallic threads successful and show samples – from quilting all over with metallic thread to adding little touches. What about that “old” metallic thread that you bought and found too frustrating to use? I’ll show you how to use that, too! Come and find out how quilters use metallic threads to sparkle and shine!!
Let’s sparkle! There’s a new generation of metallic threads out there that are beautiful, easy to use, and can make your project sparkly! We’ll discuss the main ways to make using metallic threads successful and show samples – from quilting all over with metallic thread to adding little touches. What about that “old” metallic thread that you bought and found too frustrating to use? I’ll show you how to use that, too! Come and find out how quilters use metallic threads to sparkle and shine!!
THANKS! To the Yakima Valley Quilters for their enthusiasm about metallic threads and making beautiful quilts!