Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Threadmongers show schedule for 3Q and 4Q 2021!

Yay!  The big improvement in COVID numbers has allowed some Western Washington guilds to proceed with their quilt shows!

Many guilds are not able to reschedule – largely because of issues pertaining to venues and time needed for preplanning.  So we are LUCKY that these PLUCKY guilds are gearing up for shows:

EverGreen Quilters
September 17-18, 2021
Friday 10-6, Saturday 10-4
Pioneer Pavilion Community Events Center
2007 Cherry ST, Ferndale, WA
Theme:  “Creativity Magnified”
Clark County Quilters
Quiltfest Northwest
October 21-23, 2021
Thursday 10-5, Friday 10-4, Saturday 10-4
Clark County Event Center at the Fairgrounds
17402 NE Delfel RD, Ridgefield, WA
Theme:  “Reflections”
Block Party Quilters
November 12-13-14, 2021
Friday and Saturday 10-5
Sunday 10-4
Issaquah Community Center
301 Rainier BLVD South, Issaquah
So get out your planning calendar – the one that was BLANK all last year – and get these shows on your schedule. 
Threadmongers will be at all three of these fun shows!
And…I know you’ll need thread by then!
PS:  If you need thread before that, contact me!
Easy to do on my Threadmongers Facebook page.